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  2010 Christmas Day Death Of Teachers Wife  
  Still Under Investigation:   November 24, 2011 Edition  
     Eleven months after the death of the wife of a former Boardman Local School teacher, the cause of her death remains undetermined.
      On Dec. 25, 2010, the Columbiana Village Police Department received a 9-1-1 call from Jay Dana, longtime Center Middle School teacher, who then resided at Firestone Farms.
      Mr. Dana said in that 9-1-1 call he and his wife, 44-year-old Michelle, were playing a drinking game on Christmas Eve and the next morning his wife did not wake up.
      Wade Boley, of the Columbiana Village PD, has been investigating the death since that time. Officer Boley confirmed this week a death certificate has been issued that lists the cause of Mrs. Dana’s death as “undetermined.”
      Mr. Boley refused to comment on reports confirmed to The Boardman News by state and local investigators last week that toxicology reports conducted by a Cleveland pathologist showed Mrs. Dana’s blood-alcohol level was at least .40, some five times above the legal limit for being intoxicated, .08.
      Mr. Dana abruptly retired from the Boardman Local School System last May, prior to the end of the school year.
      Investigators say he is now living out of state.
      Mr. Dana formerly resided at 7877 Walnut St. in Boardman prior to moving to Firestone Farms in Columbiana after he married Michele Dana.
      At the time of her death, Mr. Dana called Columbiana police saying he and his wife had been playing a drinking game on Christmas Eve, apparently after visiting her mother’s home earlier that day.
      “We were doing a drinking game last night and went to sleep and now I can’t get her to wake up,” Mr. Dana said in a 9-1-1 call at 9:23 a.m. on Christmas day.
      Last May, Columbiana Police Chief Tim Gladis said reports his agency received from the Cuyahoga County Coroner’s Office did not indicate any medical condition that would cause Mrs. Dana’s death. He said that the woman’s husband had cooperated in the investigation of her death.
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