Precinct 1: The Commons at the Greenbriar, 8060 South Ave.
Precinct 2: Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market St.
Precinct 3: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 4: Bethel Lutheran Church, 425 Crestview Dr.
Precinct 5: Good Hope Lutheran Church, 98 Homestead Dr.
Precinct 6: St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4955 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 7: Good Hope Lutheran Church, 98 Homestead Dr.
Precinct 8: Blue Wolf Banquet Center, 7095 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 9: Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St.
Precinct 10: Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St.
Precinct 11: Bethel Lutheran Church, 425 Crestview Dr.
Precinct 12: Blue Wolf Banquet Center, 7095 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 13: Blue Wolf Banquet Center, 7095 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 14: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 15: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 16: St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4955 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 17: Bethel Lutheran Church, 425 Crestview Dr.
Precinct 18: Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St.
Precinct 19: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 20: St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4955 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 21: Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market St.
Precinct 22: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 23: Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market St.
Precinct 24: Georgeanna Parker Activity Center in Boardman Park.
Precinct 25: Poland United Methodist Church, 1940 Boardman-Poland Rd.
Precinct 26: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 27: Bethel Lutheran Church, 425 Crestview Dr.
Precinct 28: Lockwood United Methodist Church, 4570 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 29: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 30: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 31: Poland United Methodist Church, 1940 Boardman-Poland Rd.
Precinct 32: Lockwood United Methodist Church, 4570 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 33: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 34: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 35: Boardman Library, 7680 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 36: St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4955 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 37: Blue Wolf Banquet Center, 7095 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 38: Lockwood United Methodist Church, 4570 Lockwood Blvd.
Precinct 39: Paul C. Bunn Elementary School, 1825 Sequoya Rd.
Precinct 40: Trinity Fellowship Church, 4749 South Ave.
Precinct 41: Boardman Library, 7680 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 42: Georgeanna Parker Activity Center in Boardman Park.
Precinct 43: Boardman Library, 7680 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 44: Paul C. Bunn Elementary School, 1825 Sequoya Rd.
Precinct 45: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave.
Precinct 46: The Commons at the Greenbriar, 8060 South Ave.
Precinct 47: St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 7782 Glenwood Ave. |