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  THE POWER OF ONE:   March 1, 2012 Edition  
      I overheard someone the other day, when asked if they were going to vote, respond “Well, what is one vote? My vote won’t make a difference anyway.” I disagree and watching the world go by over my more than 13 doggie years, I have seen the Power of One make a lot of difference.
      One song can spark a moment.
      One flower can wake a dream.
      One tree can start a forest.
      One bird can herald spring.
      One smile can begin a friendship.
      One hand can lift a soul.
      One star can guide a ship at sea.
      One word can frame the goal.
      One vote can change a nation.
      One sunbeam can light a room.
      One candle can wipe out darkness.
      One laugh can conquer doom.
      One step can start a journey.
      One word starts a prayer.
      One hope can raise our spirits.
      One touch can show you care.
      One voice can speak with wisdom.
      One heart can know what’s true.
      One life can make a difference.
       I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but I can still do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do!
       You see, we don’t need more money, we don’t need greater success or fame---We don’t even need the perfect body, or the perfect mate.
       Right now, at this very moment, we have a mind that provides all the basic equipment we need to achieve complete happiness.
      -----Something I have learned from listening ‘my Mom’ read “Wren’s World” out loud.
      It makes me think about Election Day on Tues., Mar. 6. Each of us unique, each voice significant, each voice needs to be heard.
      If we all get together and vote, then change can happen, but it takes all of us,
      One by One!
      Vote! Tues., Mar. 6
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