New Officers were installed for the CABPW on May 22 at the Salem Golf Club. Taking office for the next term will be President, Jenny Pike; 1st Vice President , Monica Robb; 2nd Vice President, Susan Frenger; Treasurer, Sandy Webber; and Secretary, Holly Baker. Sworn in by Past President, Mary Patterson, the new officers look forward to carrying on the Mission of the BPW which is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information; to be the leading advocate for working women; to elevate the standards for women in business and professions; to promote the interests of business and professional women; to bring about a spirit of cooperation among business and professional women of the United States; and to extend opportunities to business and professional women through education along lines of industry, scientific and vocational activities. If you are interested in joining the CABPW, please call Lori Everly at 330-853-5896 or email her at They meet the 4th Tuesdays of most months. The dues for the organization are $43 per year. Visit us on Facebook under Columbiana Area Business and Professional Women.