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  From Thanksgiving... And On To Christmas:   November 29, 2012 Edition  
     Thanksgiving has now passed and I have been adjusting to my new life away from all of you, my friends. It is pretty amazing, I can watch and visit any of you at any time. The difficult part is that you don’t know when I am there with you, and I often wish you could pet me and give me a treat and I could let you know that I am fine, happy, and peaceful.
      I saw that many of my special friends sent cards and emails to my masters and it made me bark and wag my tail. Thank you for taking the time to send your kind thoughts, for they brought smiles to them, as well as me. We all get so busy with life and all that we feel needs to be done, that it was comforting to see that so many took time from their busy lives to reach out and touch someone’s life with words of comfort. Thank you, dear friends.
      As I watched families on Thanksgiving it was so wonderful seeing all the laughter and love, food shared and time spent sharing ourselves with the people that mean so much in our lives.
      So often we take our family members for granted, but believe me from one who surely knows, they won’t be here forever, and when they are gone, you lose a part of your being. Yes life goes on, but the regrets of not spending the time enjoying and loving the ones in your family, who are the core of your being, will one day be gone! The family I will always be a part of cared for me, loved me, fed me, gave me a roof over my head, taught me about the beauty of life, and yes there were some hard times but together we gained strength and pulled through, and we did it together. Now I will cherish the memories, which I will hold within my heart forever. I miss you all so terribly, but am so thankful we made those memories together!
      Before I go, I did watch some of the Black Friday shopping chaos, and need to say to you my friends, with the Christmas holiday quickly approaching, and the shopping frenzy definitely upon you, please remember it’s not the amount we spend that means the most, it is the sincerity in our hearts and the desire for giving gifts in expression of our love and gratitude for others. The shepherds gave gifts to baby Jesus, not to impress, not because they had to, but out of love and adoration for the Christ child. Let us not forget the reason for the season!
      Time to go …. time for my stroll through the fields… I’ll be watching! Remember to cherish time with others and give an extra stroke and treat to all my dog pals!
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