The Boardman High School Class of 63 will celebrate its 50th year class reunion Aug. 9-11, 2013
The Reunion Committee has set up a website at www.bhs63reunion.com where classmates can register, purchase their ticket to event and get additional event details. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of any of the following classmates is asked to contact Sharyn Vale Braunstein at sbrauns816@aol.com or call 330-758-8438---
Margaret May Ake McGrath , Diane Arnett Risner, Elizabeth Jane Brennen Halbert, Linda Engle Grumet, Joyce Ann Gutherie Henderson, Carol Joanne Jones, Donna Jean Klimko Ferraro, Shirley Joan Knipple Reed, Karen Merle Lazarus, Janet Martin, Helen Middleton, Jeanne O’Dea, Lorraine Ann Perrotta Huber, Donna Pfile Ifft, Marguerite Elaine Rhoades, Barbara Smith Irion, Marilyn ElaineThomas Valiga, Cheryl Lynn Wiley, Robert Bartlett, Robert R. Bendel, Dale Bletso , John R. Byers, Glen Doles, Albert E. (Tim) Fisher, Jay Thomas Fornwalt, Herbert L. Furse, Donald R. Gilson, John Halverson, Richard H. Hanscom, Benjamin F. Hawkins, James P. Holtzman, Roger C. Johnson, Arthur J. Killmeyer, William L. Martin, Robert Means, Lynn Nevestich, Harold E. (Skip) Perkins, James Edward Phillips, Kenneth S. Platt, Dudley Kenneth Reese Jr., James G. Simon, Grant E. Whittingstall and Robert J. Williams.