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  Spring Is Here!:   April 11, 2013 Edition  
      Spring is finally here! Seasons do not exist here in ‘doggy heaven’ so watching my hometown of Boardman come alive in the past week has been so wonderful to see! Baseball and track have begun, families are getting outside together, the trees are beginning to bud and the flowers are pushing through the soil to the sunshine above! What a beautiful awakening! These moments remind me of the joys I experienced while in my earthly world, and I miss my home and family so much!
      The rebirth of Spring, a new and fresh start. The feeling of the warm sun, the brightness which brings a renewed energy, just puts a little extra zip to your step. I remember how I’d go outside and just shake my head, my body, ooooh a beautiful day! I’d get to go on walks with my masters, smell the grass, the air, hear the birds singing their songs, so welcome after the long winter months. Neighborhood dogs would be outside and we’d bark back and forth, in a language that we only knew. Everyone thought we were just making noise, but oh what we’d bark about!
      Life is good, as I take a deep breath of the Spring air, I’d remind myself, how lucky I was, to have a home, masters who loved me and took me for walks, food in my bowl, a warm place to sleep! Just the simple things brought me the greatest joys!
      How often I took for granted the blessings that surrounded me. I wish I would have taken more time to ‘smell the roses’. Everyday life can be so overwhelming, but the yearly gift of springtime reminds us to begin anew, to shake off the old, and to re-grow. When I got sick, there were days it hurt to walk, it hurt to move, but once I got outside, looked into the bright blue sky, my spirit was renewed… aw what a beautiful world!
      “If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.” …Nadine Stair
      Get outside and wag that tail....Waggin tails to you…Happy Springtime! ....Gretta
      Gretta was a Golden Retriever.
      She spent most every weekday for
      15 years at The Boardman News,
      greeting all who entered with a wag
      of her tail! She died in Nov., 2012.
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