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  GRETTA KNOWS....Mom's Are Special!  
  May 9, 2013 Edition  
     A few of my heavenly dog pals, Rasta and Kachina, along with two new cat friends Lucky and Squeeky, and I were asleep under a large oak tree. Suddenly a bright light across the meadow woke each of us. We slowly arose, walking toward the light. As we got closer we noticed animal figures within the light. Our noses were in the air, as we each caught a familiar scent, one recognized from years ago. Then, one by one, dogs and cats began to emerge from the light. As they came closer we each were surprised as our mother’s came into view. What a glorious moment! To be reunited with our mothers whom we only were able to be with for a short time in our lives. Here we were, face to face. The bond we once knew, the love we shared, had returned as if we had never been separated.
      The feeling of how secure and safe I felt being next to her as she protected me, kept me warm, and fed me, along with my brothers and sisters, suddenly returned. She cared for each of us as we were born, hour after hour, never neglecting any of us, during her long delivery, making sure all her special puppies were cared for. She never left us or let us get out of her sight. When we began to walk and venture away from her she would nudge us back to her, to keep us safe. She never complained! Each day she taught us about the dangers of the world that surrounded us, how to show love and not cruelty to those around us. In the few short weeks she had with us, she knew she was preparing us to leave her, hoping a kind and loving master would take us. I never thought about how her heart was crying at the thought of losing me and she never showed me her inner pain, for she knew what her purpose was in setting me free.
      As a puppy I took each day with her, and my brothers and sisters, for granted. Playing, sleeping, being cared for, surrounded by love, thinking it would always be the same and last forever? One day my master came and chose me ‘cause I was so cute’, and took me from my mother. I will never forget the feeling of having to leave her behind, and can’t even imagine how she felt in letting me go. Mother’s give so much of themselves, unselfishly sacrificing their lives for us, every waking moment worrying that we were safe, and never expecting anything in return. I wanted to run back and cuddle up next to her, and tell her how much I loved her and appreciated all she had done for me. But I never got the chance, I thought I’d have tomorrow, but all of a sudden, I was taken from her.
      But, here I have been given a miracle of seeing her again. We nuzzled up together, wiggling every inch of our bodies in pure joy at seeing each other again. We laid down in the grass and I let out a sigh, oh the feeling of a secure comfort came over my body. “How I miss you mom”, I said. “I never got to tell you what a special gift you were in my life”. Mom just gave me a nudge as she so often did. I went on and said “we were separated before I could tell you how much I loved you and appreciated you in my life. All the sacrifices you made for me, loving me unconditionally. Even if I chewed a shoe or snapped at my brother, you still loved me. Each night you’d cuddle close letting me know I was safe.”
      Mom said, “from the moment you were born you would always be be a part of me! Even though we are not together, you are always in my heart and part of my soul.” A small tear came to my eye, as I looked up into her eyes, I licked her face and said “ I love you so much and thank you for your never ending love and belief in me”. We both stood together, looked up at the beautiful blue sky, and I prayed, “thank you God for my mother and for her gracious gift of life to me”.
      Just then, the bright light returned and we knew it was time for us to part again. Mom and I glanced at each other, and she walked back into the light. Rasta, Kachina, Lucky and Squeeky all came over and stood beside me. “It’s been a glorious day”, Lucky remarked! “This doggy heaven is alright”, said Kachina, “we were given a second chance to see our moms and let them know how special they were in our lives”!
      Squeeky purred, “If only we could tell everyone how short our lives together on earth will be, to not miss the chance to tell your mom how special she is”! As we watched the light disappear, in unison we remarked, ‘ Happy Mother’s Day, mom, we love you! Yep our tails are a waggin!
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