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  Mooney Will Stay In Y-town  
  June 6, 2013 Edition  
     George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop of Youngstown, announced on Tues., June 4 to the Cardinal Mooney Board of Directors, that the school will remain at its present location on Erie Street in city of Youngstown.
      Bishop Murry stated that he recognizes and appreciates the different perspectives on this issue and greatly respects the supporters on both sides of the question. He thanked Cardinal Mooney’s president, Father Gerald DeLucia, and the Board of Directors for the time they have spent studying the pros and cons of a move.
      According to its mission statement, Cardinal Mooney High School is committed to provide a quality Catholic education through sanctity, scholarship, and discipline, developing leaders dedicated to social justice and service in the world. Bishop Murry is convinced that the school can more effectively live out its mission by being a leaven to the community and by providing meaningful service and educational opportunities to its students at its present location. The decision to remain at its present site emphasizes that the Church is willing to put its resources behind those values.
      The Bishop believes that this decision also is an example of good stewardship of the Church’s financial resources in the Valley. It will cost less to renovate the present location than to build a new building in the suburbs.
      Remaining at the present location does not mean that Cardinal Mooney High School will not change. In fact, many parents have raised legitimate concerns about Mooney. Those concerns must be addressed. The building will undergo an extensive renovation, academic programs will be evaluated and upgraded as necessary, and the school will continue to take all appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the students, faculty, and staff.
      In fact, Bishop Murry and Dr. Nicholas Wolsonovich, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools, have met with both Youngstown Mayor Charles Sammarone and Police Chief Rod Foley to discuss those concerns raised during the study about how to improve the areas around the school’s present location. Both the mayor and the police chief have pledged their commitment to working with the Diocese in that regard.
      The Bishop said, “Cardinal Mooney is an outstanding school. It has succeeded in the past and will continue to succeed into the future with the dedication of the loyal alumni, parents, staff and committed donors.”
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