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  February 11, 2016 Edition  
      The Boardman Township Board of Appeals shall hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 7:00 P.M., at the Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market Street, Boardman Township, Ohio, 44512, for consideration of the following cases:
      APPEAL CASE AC-2016-03
      John Straub, Straub Property Management LLC, 1240 Boardman-Poland Road, Poland, Ohio 44514, property owner, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article X, in order to construct a new facility proposed to be located at 6201 South Avenue. Specifically, property owner requests a variance from Article X, Commercial Districts, Section C, Yard Area, seeking a 5’ reduction in the required 10’ side yard setback for a total setback of 5’. Also, seeking a variance from Article X, Commercial Districts, Section D, Parking Area, seeking a reduction of 22 parking spaces from the required 42 for a total parking stall count of 20, with provisions for 18 banked spaces. The property is further known as Parcel Number 29-019-0-018.00-0, Lot 4 of the Lucille S Lyon Plat 1. Said property is zoned Commercial in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2016-04
      RCJR Inc., 7811 South Avenue, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article XII, Special Provisions, in order to construct a sign proposed to be located at 7811 South Avenue. Specifically, property owner requests a variance from Article XII, Special Provisions, Section H Signs and Billboards, Letter D, Number 1, seeking a variance from the limitation of one sign on the premises in order to construct a second sign. Also, a variance is sought from Article XII Special Provisions, Section H Signs and Billboards, Letter D, Number 3, in order to construct a sign which is 25’ 9” in height, seeking a 9” variance from the height restriction of 25’. The property is further known as Parcel Number 29-052-0-004.00-0, Lot 8 of the Williams and Carrier Replat. Said property is zoned Commercial in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      Text and maps of the requests may be viewed at the Boardman Township Zoning Office, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio, 44512, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. until time of the hearing.
      Atty. John Shultz, Chairman
      Boardman Township Board of Appeals
      Sarah Gartland, Zoning Inspector
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