The Boardman-Poland Junior Women’s League will host a “Farewell to Downton Abbey Tea” which will benefit The Dorothy Day House. The Downton Abbey Tea will take place at The Poland Presbyterian Church, 2 Poland Manor Dr., Poland, on Sat., Mar. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Cost is $20/person. The tea includes lunch, special herbal teas, a basket auction, a contest for the best costume from the Downton era and more. Kathy Richert will present ‘Downton Abbey Visits Biltmore Estate.’ For tickets, donations, or more information, contact Sperry Rongone at (330)770-3880 or, or any league member. A limited amount of tickets are available. A portion of the proceeds will be given to PBS. Pictured left to right are Sperry Rongone, “Farewell To Downton Abbey Tea” chairwoman and BPJWL treasurer; Yvonne Ford, GFWC Ohio Director of Junior Clubs and BPJWL second vice-president and program yearbook; Joyce Martin, provisional member; Nina Lowery, BPJWL president; Tina Bellino, home life and international and public affairs; Linda Crish, GFWC second vice-president and BPJWL first vice-president and membership chairwoman; Debbie Weaver, community special needs and president-elect; and Debbie Chop, publicity and recording secretary.