The Boardman Township Board of Appeals shall hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market Street, Boardman Township, Ohio 44512, for consideration of the following cases:
Dr. James Sansone, 6775 Applewood Boulevard, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article XII, Special Provisions, in order to construct a sign proposed to be located at 6775 Applewood Boulevard. Specifically, property owner requests a variance form Article XII, Special Provisions, Section H Signs and Billboard, Letter D, Number 3, in order to construct a sign at the Kentwood Entrance to his property, seeking relief from the limitation of one sign per parcel. The property is further known as Lot 565 of the Applewood Boulevard Plat, Parcel Number 29-017-0-038.10-0. Said property is zoned Commercial, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Duane Pitzer Construction, agent for Scott and Cristy Smith, 7534 Indian Trail, Poland, Ohio 44514, property owner, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article V, Residence R-1 Districts, D. Private Garages and Other Out-Buildings, in order to construct a detached garage that is 1040 square feet in area with a covered porch that is 120 square feet in area seeking relief from the limitation that a detached garage shall not exceed 676 square feet in area. The property is further known as Lot 955, Residential Park Re-Plat, Parcel Number 30-057-0-097.00-0. Said property is zoned Residential R-1, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio
Matt Wickwire, WC Holdings, LLC, dba Boardman Nissan, 7809 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance from the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution as amended through May 29, 2012, Article XVII, Riparian Setbacks Section E, Establishment of Designated Watercourses and Riparian Setbacks, Subsection 2b requiring a minimum setback of 75 feet requesting a reduction of the riparian setback to 40 feet, Article XV, Part Three Model Design Guidelines and Performance Standards, Section A, Setbacks, Paragraph 2a requiring a 30 foot buffer between parcels of commercial and residential use where fences are utilized, requesting the buffer to be reduced to 10 feet, Article X, Commercial Districts, Section C, Yard and Height Provisions requiring a 35 foot building setback from the property line requesting the setback to be reduced to 19 feet and Article XV, Part Three, Model Design Guidelines and Performance Standards, Section D, Landscaping/Lawn Requirements, Paragraph 2 requiring 10 trees and 25 shrubs per 100 feet of frontage to reduce the landscaping requirement to what has been submitted to Site Plan Committee in order to operate a vehicle storage and preparation lot at 16 Boardman Boulevard, Boardman, Ohio 44512. The property is further known as Lot 6 of the Homestead Replat of Lots 4,5 & 6, Parcel Number 29-033-0-094.00-0. Said property is zoned Commercial in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Mr. Jonathon Marafiote, 1261 Pioneer Drive, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance from the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution as amended through May 29, 2012, Article V, Residence District R-1 E. Fencing, seeking relief from a setback of 16 feet for a fence in excess of three feet in height on a corner lot property line to a setback varying from 5 feet to 16 feet. The property is further known as Lot 72 of the Tippwood Dells Plat, Parcel Number 29-082-0-082.00-0. Said property is zoned Residence R-1 in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Mr. Chuck Whitman, 970 Windham Court, Boardman, Ohio 44512, dba 1301 Tiffany Plaza LLC, 1301 Boardman Poland Road, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance as per the terms of Article XVI of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution as amended through May 29, 2012 in order to construct a Planned Unit Development consisting of two (2) units, a drive through restaurant and a multi-tenant plaza. The property is further known as Lot 2 of Replat 2 & 3 of the M Schumer Plat, Parcel Number 30-054-0-009.00-0. Said property is zoned Commercial in Boardman Township, Mahoning County State of Ohio.
Mr. Matt Taylor, dba Taylor Kia of Boardman, 7870 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner requests conditional use as per the terms of Article XVI of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution as amended through May 29, 2012 in order to construct and operate a vehicle storage lot. The property is further known as Lot 1 of the Taylor Kia Plat No.1, Parcel Number 29-093-0-033.00-0. Said property is zoned Residence R-1 in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Mr. Mark Allen, dba New Hope Recovery Partners, 5600 Market Street, Suite 8, Boardman, Ohio 44512 requests a conditional use as per the terms of Article XVI of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution as amended through May 29, 2012 in order to operate a treatment facility for opiate addiction that includes counseling and medication distribution. The property is further known as Great Lot 5 Division 3, Parcel Number 29-064-0-368.00-0. Said property is zoned Commercial in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Text and maps of the request ay be viewed at the Boardman Township Zoning Office, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, until time of hearing.
Atty. John F. Shultz, Chairman
Boardman Township Board of Appeals
Marilyn Sferra Kenner, P.E.
Assistant Zoning Inspector