The Board of Trustees of Boardman Township shall conduct a Public Hearing on the following amendments to the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution and Township Zoning Map on Monday, June 13, 2016 at 5:30 PM in the Marie P. DeBartolo Meeting Room, Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio, 44512. Texts and map of the proposed changes may be viewed in the Zoning Office, same address, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, until the time of the Hearing.
This is the final hearing in determination of this case. The Board shall act either immediately or within twenty (20) days of the hearing date.
Pursuant to Article XVI, Section F, Part a, Number 1 of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, as amended through May 29, 2012, concerning the initiation of amendments to the Township Zoning Resolution, the Board of Trustees of Boardman Township find it necessary to initiate hearings to amend the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution and Township Zoning Map to reclassify and rezone the following 175 parcels of real property from Residential R-2 Districts to Residential R-1 Districts:
44 Parcels along Ridgewood Drive
21 Parcels along Gilbert Drive
18 Parcels along Stillson Place
23 Parcels along Withers Drive
21 Parcels along Griswold Drive
29 Parcels along Brainard Drive
26 Parcels along Wolcott Drive
The vacated portion of Shale Drive on Withers Drive
All properties are located in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio
Pursuant to Article XVI, Section F, Part a, Number 1 of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, as amended through May 29, 2012, concerning the initiation of amendments to the Township Zoning Resolution, the Board of Trustees of Boardman Township find it necessary to initiate hearings to amend the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution and Township zoning Map to reclassify and rezone the following 85 parcels of real property from Residential R-2 Districts to Residential R-1 Districts:
44 Parcels along South Cadillac Drive
41 Parcels along North Cadillac Drive
All properties are located in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
Larry P. Moliterno, Chair
Board of Trustees, Boardman Township
Marilyn Sferra Kenner, P.E.,
Assistant Zoning Inspector |