The ABC Water and Storm Water District intends to contract for engineering design services to provide a storm sewer and watershed masterplan for the entire Stormwater system with Boardman Township. Engineering firms interested in being considered for a contract to provide the required service should reply with a statement in qualifications no later than July 8th at 3:30p.m. Postmarked packages arriving later than this time will not be accepted. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered. Further, submissions that do not follow the outline, or do not contain the required information may be considered unresponsive.
Statements of qualifications should include information regarding the (1) firm’s history, education and experience of owners and key technical personnel, (2) the technical expertise of the firm’s current staff, (3) the firm’s experience in performing similar work, (4) availability of staff, (5) the firm’s equipment and facilities, (6) references; (7) any previous work performed for and familiarity with the ABC Water and Stormwater District (8) experience with permitting for the USACOE and OEPA and any previous work performed on similar projects, (9) name, title, address, and telephone number of individual(s) with authority to contractually bind the company, and also who may be contacted during the period of submission evaluation for the purpose of clarifying submitted information. Statements of qualifications should be transmitted to:
Boardman Township Government Center
8299 Market Street
Boardman, Ohio 44512
Attn: Jason Loree
As required by Ohio Revised Code Section(s) 153.65-73, responding firms will be evaluated and ranked in order of qualifications. Interested firms may request a copy of the evaluation criteria by calling Jason Loree at (330) 726-4177. The project description is as follows:
Name of Project:
ABC Water and Stormwater Storm Sewer
And Watershed Master Plan and Analysis
The Scope of services will include but are not limited to:
•Data Collection and Analysis of Stormwater Systems in Boardman Township
•Model Development and Application
•Alternatives Development & Evaluation
•Stormwater Master Plan Recommendations
•Stakeholder Support
The Statement of Qualifications must be submitted in the following format:
•List of similar projects, with references. (2 page max.).
•List of Subconsultants, if any (1 page max.).
•List of Project Manager and other key members (2 page max.).
•Description of Capacity of Staff and their ability to perform work in a timely manner (1 page max.).
•Description of Project Approach, (2 page max.)
With Cover Letter, the submittal must be a maximum of only nine (9) pages, using 8 ½” x 11” single sided paper with a 12 point font and minimum 1” margins. Bind each submittal with a single staple in upper left corner only. Resume for staff will not count towards the (9) page maximum. Please provide seven (7) copies. The submission shall be signed by an authorized official.
This Request for Qualifications does not commit the District to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request, or to contract for services. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, or to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this Request for Qualifications, if the Board deems it in the best interest of the District to do so.