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  August 8, 2019 Edition  
      The Boardman Township Board of Appeals shall hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Boardman Township Fire Station, 7440 Market Street, Boardman Township, Ohio 44512, for consideration of the following cases:
      APPEAL CASE AC-2019-15
      Troy Mangrini, 322 Erskine Ave., Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance for the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article V. Residence R-1, Section D. Garages in order to build a garage addition two hundred and eighty eight (288) square feet, that is two hundred eighty four (284) square feet larger than the six hundred and seventy six (676) square foot maximum allowed in the code. The property is further known as LOT 214 60.00 X 174.28 REPLAT OF PART OF LOT NOS 177 & 178 IN INDIANOLA HEIGHTS PLAT, parcel 29-009-0-072.00-0. Said property is zoned Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2019-17
      Genesis Outdoor, P.O. Box 404, Youngstown, Ohio 44501, property leasee, 8361 South Ave. Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a variance for the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article XII. Exceptions and Special Provisions Section H. Signs and Billboards Letter F. Off Premises Signs-Billboards to reduce the thirty five (35) foot front property line setback an amount to be determined, the side property line setback from twenty five (25) feet to zero (0) feet and reduce the two hundred (200) feet setback from residentially zoned property to fifty (50) feet. The property is further known as LOT 3 50 X 541.49 IRR REP LTS 2-3 P J SCHMIDT P & LOT 2 258 X 205 IRR REP P SCHMIDT PL 1 LTS 2-, parcel 29-050-0-024.00-0 and 29-050-0-024.02-0. Said property is zoned Commercial, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2019-18
      Charles & Linda Bishara, 7881 7889 Walnut St., Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance for the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article XVI. Administration, I. Conditional Use Regulations in order to reduce the rear setback from forty (40) feet to twenty five (25) feet. The property is further known as LOT 87 120.00 X 222.85 IRR REPLAT OF LOT 87 IN AUBURN HILLS PLAT NO 5 & LOT 88 IN AUBURN HILLS PLAT 6, parcel 29-040-0-387.00-0. Said property is zoned Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2019-19
      RonJon Investments, LLC., 7901 Market St., Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance for the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article XII. Exceptions and Special Provisions, Section F. Fences in order to erect a privacy fence along the property line in front of the front building setback. The property is further known as LOT 1 474.01 X 1193.16 IRR RON JON PLAT NO 1, parcel 29-033-0-024.00-0. Said property is zoned Commercial and Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2019-20
      Rick L. McMasters, 166 Maple Dr., Boardman, Ohio 44512, property owner, requests a variance for the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective May 29, 2012, Article V. Residence R-1, Section D. Garages in order to build a second garage twenty four (24) by twenty four (24) feet. The property is further known as LOT 333 80.00 X 135.00 REPLAT OF LOTS 333 & 334 IN UTOPIA PLAT, parcel 29-001-0-018.00-0. Said property is zoned Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      Text and maps of the request may be viewed at the Boardman Township Zoning Office, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, until time of hearing.
      Atty. John F. Shultz, Chairman
      Boardman Township Board of Appeals
      Krista D. Beniston, AICP,
      Director of Zoning and Development
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