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  October 7, 2021 Edition  
     The Boardman Township Board of Appeals shall hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM, go to for further information for consideration of the following cases:
      APPEAL CASE AC-2021-41
      Ryan Pavlak, property owner, 572 Squirrel Hill Dr., Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective January 1, 2021, Article 6.01 Accessory Use Regulations (E) Use Specific Standards (9) Detached Accessory Buildings (b) to reduce setback from the front foundation line of the house from (30) thirty feet to (11) eleven feet. The property is further known as LOT 122 191.83 X 160 IRR HITCHCOCK WOODS PL #2, Parcel 29-101-0-107.00-0. Said property is zoned R1-A-Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2021-42
      Cody McCullough, property owner, 8077 Deerpath Dr., Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective January 1, 2021, Article 6.01 Accessory Use Regulations (b) Decks (iv) to reduce the required rear property line setback from twenty five (25’) feet to fifteen (15’) feet. The property is further known as LOT 224 95 X 175 LAKE FOREST REP 4, Parcel 29-099-0-036.00-0. Said property is zoned R1-A-Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2021-43
      Christine Dorsett, property owner, 121 Danbury Dr., Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective January 1, 2021, Article 6.01 Accessory use regulations (E) (20) (a) in order to raise hens on the property. The property is further known as LOT 259 60 X 162.44 IRR ALBURN RLTY CO PL 8, Parcel 29-061-0-294.00-0. Said property is zoned R1-B-Residential, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2021-44
      Haider Ali on behalf of Noureen Fatima, property owner, 428 & 438 E. Western Reserve Rd., Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a conditional use from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective January 1, 2021, Article 4.08 (D) (10) Parking lot use for adjacent property & 4.08 (D) (12) vehicle sales. The property is further known as GL 31 DIV 4, Parcel 29-037-0-006.00-0 & 29-037-0-007.00-0. Said property is zoned GB-General Business, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      APPEAL CASE AC-2021-45
      Rick Cain of Adams Signs on behalf of Ashvin Yanjik, property owner, 5953 South Ave., Boardman, Ohio 44512, requests a variance from the terms of the Boardman Township Zoning Resolution, effective January 1, 2021,
       •Article 12.11 Permanent Signs in Non-Residential Districts (C) Permanent Freestanding Signs (1) for a 5’1/2” pole sign, 2’1/2” taller than allowed three foot poles or supports from the adjacent grade with landscaping to screen the view of the poles;
       •Article 12.11 (C) (6) (b) for an electronic message center not on a monument signs as required;
       •Article 12.11 (7) Table 12.11.2 for sign face of 247.2 square feet per side, 47.2 square feet over the allowed 200 square feet per side;
      The property is further known as LOT 3 646.78 X 546.72 IRR REPLAT OF LOT 3 & THE REPLAT OF LOTS 7-10, Parcel 29-020-0-305.01-0. Said property is zoned GB-General Business, in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, State of Ohio.
      Text and maps of the request may be viewed at the Boardman Township Zoning Office, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, until time of hearing. Please call 330-726-4181 or email requests to
      Atty. John F. Shultz, Chairman
      Boardman Township Board of Appeals
      Krista D. Beniston, AICP,
      Director of Zoning and Development
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