By Donald K. Allen, MS, DVM
Lt. Col., USAF/USAFR (Retired)
Former Military Public Health Officer
To know of an effective treatment for a disease, and not use it to cure a patient, is malpractice. Government (USDA, AMA, VMA, etc.) cannot override your commitment to effective treatment.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been shown to be very effective in combating Covid, yet because “there have not been enough studies,” government banned their use.
Meanwhile, vaccines for Covid that have been PROVEN to be dangerous to your health, and not effective in preventing infection, are promoted by government, without ANY long-term studies. AND, vaccine manufacturers have been given protection from litigation due to adverse effects!
Insanity; to do the same thing (vaccination) over and over again and expecting different results.
“Following orders” was not a legitimate defense during the Nuremberg Trials of Nazis after WWII, and it will not be accepted as a defense this time. Discouraging the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine is criminal, and those who have done this should be held accountable.
Read the article, “Ivermectin and the Price of Life,” by Justus R. Hope, MD, and see what money has bought that hindered the conquest of the Covid pandemic, and cost countless lives. You should be mad as hell.
But this is just the first of three issues I have with “modern medicine.”
As a veterinarian, I have been using a product named, “Azodyl,” for over nine years in cats and dogs. It consists of three bacteria (essentially a probiotic) that destroy urea, a waste product of protein metabolism that builds up in the body when the kidneys are failing. The acid-resistant capsule releases the bacteria in the small intestine, and they begin work immediately to reduce the toxic effects of uremia, which poisons the body.
Recently this product was approved for use in humans (we’re all animals, you know) and is marketed as, “Renadyl.” During early research, Azodyl was tested in nearly all domestic animals, as well as humans, and was found to be equally effective, since kidney function is basic the same in
mammals. I have seen Azodyl cut blood urea nitr gen (BUN) and creatinine numbers in half, along with a reduced protein diet. But I doubt your urologist would recommend it, since dialysis is a huge, multi-billion-dollar business, and this product may keep you out of, or delay your need for it.
Here’s the third issue. I developed prostate cancer in 2015 and had my prostate robotically removed. Then I needed 33 radiation treatments to ensure the cancer was controlled. A friend told
me about maitake mushrooms tripling (300%) your T-lymphocytes, which are your hunter-killer white cells that scavenge dead and foreign cells. Since radiation destroys cells, I thought this would be helpful in healing. I take a mushroom supplement every day. You can find studies to confirm this from the National Institute of Health (NIH). My oncologist just blew it off; not interested. So, if it doesn’t come down from above, i.e. the American Medical Association (AMA), or read about in the Journal of Oncology, forget about it.
So, our “government” continues to downplay ivermectin, and the citizens who totally obey their directives will ridicule you for using, “horse wormer.” Well, just disregard the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, given to the Japanese discoverer of ivermectin. Also disregard the millions of humans in Africa who have been taking ivermectin for decades to prevent river blindness and elephantiasis. That’s all nonsense, right?
I know, I’m a veterinarian, and you know we’re not “real doctors.”
Dr. Allen’s Office is located at
4501 Market St., Boardman, Oh., 44512 |