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  17 Graduating High School Seniors Awarded Edward J. DeBartolo Sr. Memorial Scholarships  
  May 25, 2023 Edition  
      Denise DeBartolo York and her husband, Dr. John York, co-chairs of the San Francisco 49ers and longtime education advocates, awarded 17 college scholarships worth $10,000 each to 17 graduating high school seniors in ceremonies held during a luncheon last week at the Lake Club.
      The presentations were made for the 26th straight year, continuing a tradition begun by Edward J. DeBartolo Sr., an America shopping mall pioneer, whose headquarters were located at Southwoods Dr. and Market St. Denise and John still maintain their offices today, in the same location.
      Gary O’Nesti served as master of ceremonies, while Mrs. York spoke briefly about the importance of education, and her father’s strong beliefs in higher education.
      “My father always believed that students who have worked hard to achieve their goals should have the opportunity to continue their education, regardless of their financial situation. The mission of the Edward J. DeBartolo Memorial Scholarship Foundation is to reward students who have proven themselves as leaders and role models in their schools and communities,: Mrs. York said.
      Dr. York then made presentations to the recipients.
      More than 300 applications were received by the foundation, and scholarship winners were determined by academic achievement, community involvement and financial need.
      Scholarship recipients included Devyn Tusinac, Boardman High School; Will Varley, Cardinal Mooney; Abbey McCabe, South Range; Kylee Kocanjer, Columbiana; Madelyn Ray, Poland; Ben Harrel, Poland; Caydin Barkerm Sebring; Sadie Barker, Sebring; Racelle Christy, Western Reserve; Lillian Dilts, Austintown; Emari Edmonds, Warren G. Harding; Kylee Fetkovich, Jackson Milton; Kelsey Hamm, Jackson Milton; Noah Minor, Lisbon; Abigial Rafferty, Girard; Jayme Richardson, Girard; and Mia Russomann, Chalker.
      To date, some $1.7 million in college scholarships have been awarded to graduating high school seniors.
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