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  County Auditor’s Information Shows Enrollment Decline In Boardman Local School System  
  85 Per Cent Of Revenue Goes For Salaries And Fringe Benefits:   September 21, 2023 Edition  
     Mahoning County Auditor Ralph Meacham has again released a summary of School District Financial Statistics for the 14 school districts in Mahoning County. The data was compiled from Cupp reports, five year forecasts and salary information provided by school district treasurers.
      In addition to the financial information, the data shows enrollment in the Boardman Local School System has declined by 14 per cent since Fiscal Year 2019.
      According to the county auditor’s report, in 2019, enrollment in the Boardman Local Schools was 4,446; and in Fiscal Year 2022 enrollment dipped to 3,819.
      “This report is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather to show relevant financial and demographic data to taxpayers in a comparative format,” Meacham said, adding “All information contained in the report is public information, as is the information is available on the Auditor’s Financial Transparency webpage.
      “On average, school districts in Mahoning County receive 60% of property tax proceeds, which the County Auditor is responsible for distributing. This year we anticipate distributing over $160 million in tax revenues to schools. I believe taxpayers are interested in and entitled to know how Mahoning County school districts compare to each other and how they are changing over time. Key measurements include total enrollment, cost per student and revenue sources. The purpose of this report is to make taxpayers aware of how their taxes are being spent and to encourage active dialog with school boards and administrators,” Meacham stated.
      Meacham noted “the population in Mahoning County continues to decline with fewer school-aged children. Most school districts face lower enrollment and higher cost per student. Some districts have turned to open enrollment to boost enrollment. Ohio is changing the formula for the amount an open enrollment student brings with them. The change in state school support will impact the financial effect of open enrollment in the eight districts participating. For example, Jackson-Milton School District has 195 open enrollment students out of 800 total students. State revenue per student was $4,669 in 2022, and total cost per student was $13,392, leaving local revenue of $8,430. As state support decreases, school administrators must calculate the financial impact, and cost to residents, of educating students from other districts.”
      According to data contained in the county auditor’s report, local revenue accounts for 63.74 per cent of funding for the Boardman Local School District.
      By comparison, local funding only amounts to 15.58 per cent of revenues for the Youngstown City School District, where the superintendent’s annual salary is listed at $195,400.
      In Boardman Local Schools, the superintendent’s annual salary is $92,407 (under a retire-rehire program).
      In Canfield Local Schools, the superintendent’s annual salary is $132,498 and in the Poland Local Schools, the superintendent’s annual salary is reported at $127,500.
      On average, upwards of 85 per cent of area school district revenues go to salaries and fringe benefits for employees.
      In the Youngstown City Schools, known for achieving failing grades on state report cards, the average annual salary of a classroom teachers for Fiscal Year 2022 was reported at $53,292.
      In the Boardman Local Schools, the average salary for classroom teachers for Fiscal Year 2022 is reported at $61,427.
      Despite failing state report cards, according to Meacham’s report, average per pupil expenditure in the Youngstown City Schools for Fiscal Year 2022 was reported at $28,967.
      During the same period, average per pupil expenditure in the Boardman Local Schools was $12,118.
      According to statistics compiled by the county auditor office, the total budget for the Youngstown City Schools in 2022 was $87.718 million.
      In Boardman Local Schools, the 2022 total budget was $42.944 million.
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