associate editor
Meeting last week, the Boardman Board of Education approved a three-year contract with members of it classified union workers, and also received a five-year financial forecast prepared by School District Treasurer Arthur Ginnetti.
The settlement with classified staffers who are members of the Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE) calls for a 3 per cent wage hike for the current school year, as well as 2024-25 and 2025-26.
In addition, according to the agreement, a one-time cost of living adjustment, between $500 and $800, will be paid to members of the OAPSE union. Employees who work seven or more hours a day will receive $800, and employees working less than five hours a day will get $300.
The adjustment was a source of contention during bargaining sessions, as OAPSE union members wanted the same amount paid to members of the system’s teaching union, that was $1500 per teacher.
In the system’s five year forecast, Treasurer Ginnetti says that “negotiations with bargaining unit members was completed in the spring of 2023 (for members of the Boardman Education Association teachers’ union) and the fall of 2023 (OAPSE).”
The five year forecast projects wages paid by the Boardman Local School System to increase from $27.692 million in Fiscal Year 2024 to $31.623 million in Fiscal Year 2028; while fringe benefits will increase from $11.99 million to $14.807 million during the same period.
Student Wellness/Success Funds
The local school board also received a report on its $350,000 Student Wellness and Success Fund, that notes behavior coaches have been placed in the system’s three elementary schools, and two local agencies also have roles in the program---Alta Behavioral Health and HWS Best Health.
Alta provides services in the elementary schools, as well as Center Intermediate and Boardman High School.
“Alta counselors supports building counselors and staff in assessing individual students needs for counseling interventions beyond those provided by schools” the Wellness and Success report says, adding “Alta can assist with anger management, social skills, self control, problem-solving, behavior interventions and group therapy.”
The HWS Best Health “is available to support students and adults needing additional help with behavior and emotions at home or school.
HWS can assist with school refusal, defiant behavior, acting out, depression, anxiety, trauma and family conflict,” the Wellness and Success report says.
Other Matters
The school board accepted resignations from the following:
•Susan Shook, district elementary art teacher, effective May 31, 2024;
•Cyndi Babnic, high school cleaning, effective November 10, 2023;
•Aidan Cervello, West Boulevard Elementary School custodian, effective November 5, 2023;
•Rachelle Fleet, West Boulevard Elementary School noontime monitor, effective November 20, 2023; and
•Carol Pierc, Robinwood Lane Elementary School noontime monitor, effective November 7, 2023.
Daniel Bulatko was granted a one-year limited contract as first assistant custodian at Boardman High School effective November 13. He replaces Brian Huddleston.
Jaime Condori was granted a one-year limited contract as a bus driver for the 2023-2024 school year effective November 3 He replaces Cheryl Jadallah.
Joseph Land was granted a one-year limited contract as a custodian at West Boulevard Elementary School. He replaces Aidan Cervello.
Elaine Majetich was granted a one-year limited contract as a floating health aide for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a new position.
Heather Shurell was granted a position as noontime monitor at Center Intermediate School. She replaces Renee Rubesich.
Francis Vivo was approved as noontime monitor at West Boulevard Elementary School. She replaces Dennis Thayer.
Jacob Lape was approved as an assistant wrestling coach at Glenwood Junior High School, and Melissa Thomas was approved as an assistant girls soccer coach at Boardman High School. Stephen Olesky was approved as a wheelchair basketball coach. |