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  Birch Leaves Head Coaching Position To Become Assistant Principal At Center Intermediate School  
  August 8, 2024 Edition  
      The Boardman Local School Board is looking for a new varsity boys head basketball coach following the appointment of Patrick Birch to the position of assistant principal at Center Intermediate School.
      Meeting last week, the school board granted Birch a three-year, 215-day per year contract as assistant principal, effective August 1 through July 31, 2027.
      As an assistant principal, Birch will receive an annual salary of $82,806. He previously served the system as a high school social studies teacher.
      Birch also served for 12 years as Boardman head basketball coach, compiling an overall record of 135-145 that included four, straight All American Conference hoop titles, from 2018-2022.
      Since that time, the Spartans cage team has lost 15 of its last 16 league games.
      The school board also approved Michelle Peters as administrative assistant to new Supt. Chris Neifer. Peters replaces Robin Triveri and has been granted a three year contract, beginning with an annual salary of $55,261.
      The school board granted limited, one-year contracts to the following---
       •Lauren Commarata was granted a one-year limited contract as an intervention specialist at Center Intermediate School replacing Joe Ignazio. Commarata received her bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University. Ignazio left the Boardman Local School to join the Canfield Local School District where he is the new head football coach.
       •Mariah McKeen was granted a one-year limited contract as an elementary art teacher at Robinwood Lane, Stadium Drive, and West Boulevard Elementary Schools replacing Susan Farkas. McKeen received her bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University.
       •Colleen Murray was granted a one-year limited contract as an EL teacher at Glenwood Junior High School replacing Debbie Huck. Murray received her bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University and her master’s degree from Ashland University.
       •Kathryn Butto was granted a one-year limited contract as a health aide at Robinwood Lane replacing Amy Carkido.
       •Kailyn Clark was granted a one-year limited contract as a teacher aide at West Boulevard Elementary School. This is a new position.
       •Kathryn Kibby was granted a one-year limited contract as a full-contract bus driver replacing Harold Penwell.
       •Kevin O’Donnell was granted a one-year limited contract as a full-contract bus driver replacing Michelle Gardner.
       •Jakob Owens was granted a one-year limited contract as a cleaning staff at Stadium Drive Elementary School replacing Margaret Corey.
       •Stephanie Penwell was granted a one-year limited contract as a teacher aide at Center Intermediate School and will receive the intensive needs stipend. She will be replacing Molly Lloyd.
      The school board awarded supplemental contracts to Erica DiFrancesco, high school girls assistant basketball coach, $5292; and Jen Flores and Mark Lias, fall athletic assistants, $945 each.
      Pupil activity contracts were awarded to Kristin Conroy, district lead mentor, $3024; Allison O’Brien, high school open gym supervisor, $1890; Jenna Vaughn, freshman cheerleading assistant, $2646; and Tyler Terlesky, freshman football assistant coach, $2646.
      Approved as curriculum coaches were Kristin Conroy, math coach at a rate of $28/hour not to exceed $826 per week (to be paid from Title IIA funds); Lisa Hughes, literacy coach at a rate of $28/hour and not to exceed $826 per week (to be paid from Title IIA funds); and Lori O’Heren, gifted coach at a rate of $28/hour and not to exceed $826 per week.
      Conroy also was appointed as Title I coordinator and will receive a stipend of $11,000 for that post.
      Stipends of $1500 each were awarded to Carlo Cordon, Scott Lenhart, Jonathan Linko, Greg McAtee, David Nypaver and Mike Shevock to provide morning supervision at Glenwood Jr. High School.
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