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  School Board Okays $1.175 Million Project For Upgrades To HS Chiller Plant  
  February 6, 2025 Edition  
      associate editor
      The Boardman Local School Board has approved a proposal submitted by Ameresco, of Worthington, Oh., for some $1.715 million for upgrades to the chill water plant at Boardman High School
      According to Ameresco, the high school has two chiller plants, including one that was decommissioned and failed five years ago. A second chiller is currently operational but nearing the end of its service life, Ameresco said.
      Due to its age, the school district is experiencing increasing difficulty in sourcing replacement parts, which could pose significant challenges in the event of future failures.
      In addition, cooling towers at the high school have visible signs of rusting, corrosion, and fouling. The condenser water pumps were installed in 2000 and have some visible signs of rusting.
      Chilled water pumps were installed in 2011 and appear in okay condition, Ameresco said.
      Chiller systems are used to cool buildings, vehicles, refrigerators and freezersIn other business last week, the school board approved several appointments.
      Melinda Farris was granted a one-year limited contract as a member of the cleaning staff at Boardman High School. She will be replacing Tonja Schneider.
      Richard Troisi was granted a one-year limited contract as a teacher aide/intensive needs at Center Intermediate School. He will receive an additional supplement of $6,000 for intensive needs aide for cross-categorical rooms and behavior support rooms. This is a new position.
      Carrie Stipanovich was granted a one-year limited contract as a cafeteria server at Boardman High School. She will be replacing Kelly Black.
      Supplemental contracts for $999 were granted to Kendra Baltes, Kate Burnside, Maggie Burton, Melinda DePietro, Marta Evans, Tim Harker, Kristin Raschilla and Maria Russo. The contracts were awarded for Additional Responsibilities in Curriculum Development (ARCD) that are temporary stipends that cover staff who participate in some additional responsibilities beyond the classroom.
      Luke Godorkis was approved for a supplemental contact for $2799 as an assistant track coach for the Boardman High School girls track and field team.
      Pupil activity contracts were approved for the following:
       •Christopher Barber, high school assistant boys lacrosse coach, $1999;
       •Grace Beil, high school assistant girls track coach, $1999;
       •Scott Denham, high school assistant girls track coach, $2799;
       •Joanne Gardner, high school head boys tennis coach, $4798;
       •Jake Lape, high school assistant boys track coach, $799;
       •Fred Mootz, high school head softball coach, $7198;
       •Matt Pavone, high school head girls lacrosse coach, $2399;
       •Darien Williams, high school assistant boys track coach, $2799;
       •Patrick Wynn, high school assistant girls lacrosse coach, $2799; and
       •Brianna Valentini, high school assistant girls lacrosse coach, $3599.
      The board approved Anthony Graziano as a Stadium Dr. Elementary School title 1 tutor, an educator and primary intervention specialist at a rate of $22/hour, not to exceed 29.5 hours per week; and not to exceed 1,110 hour a year.
      Leaves of absence were granted to Amy Amendol, teacher at Center Intermediate School, through Feb. 2; Jamie Daggett, teacher at Center Intermediate, through Apr. 9; Timothy Niles, Center Intermediate School, Title 1 tutor, through May 30; Danielle Siembida, Glenwood Junior High School teacher, through Thursday, April 10; and Megan Turillo, Center Intermediate School, teacher, from Jan. 7-13, 2025.
      Karen Piper was transferred from a teacher aide at Robinwood Lane Elementary School to the same position at West Boulevard Elementary School, where the appointment is a new position.
      Resignations were accepted from the following:
       •Debra Betts, Center Intermediate School intervention specialist, retirement effective May 31;
       •Thomas Ruggieri. high school band director, final year of retire/rehire effective May 30;
       •Jessica Mate, Glenwood Junior High School cafeteria server, effective December 23, 2024; and
       •Stacey Wilson, bus driver, retirement effective February 28.
      Heather Hogan was approved for a $6000 stipend as an intensive needs aide.
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